my site!

may minor poc nonbinary they/he

DNI!!:basic dni criteria, hate my friends for no reason, hate my comfort characters, wont use my pronouns

BYF!!: sometimes my replies can be late, i make a lot of jokes but if youre uncomfy pls lmk! i say slurs i can reclaim a lot too

LIKES cats and dogs, genshin impact, music, my friends!

DISLIKES people who are rude, say slurs they cant use!!

FRIENDS!: miko, akemi, xander, noel, crusty

COMFORTS: ganyu, zhongli, klee, childe, norton, mikey, kazuha, michiko, draken, tanjiro, akaza

GAMES: idv, genshin, bandori, roblox

ANIMES: demon slayer, naruto, tokyo revengers, angel of death, death note, jjk, devil man crybaby, wolf children